We finished our 2 week holiday in Povoa, securely tied up the boat and flew home for just over a month. Povoa, like many Portugese marinas can get wild in the winter storms and it is apparently a rule that the boats have to be out of the water by the end of September. Whats more the marina entrance can be closed for weeks at a time as the Atlantic swell can make the entrance too dangerous.
It was with great relief that as the day we were returning approached, the forecast was for little swell and no wind. The weather gods were kind to us and the autumn storms had held off until after our return date the 3rd October.
All credit to the marina and the staff, they looked after the boat for us and the prices put the UK to shame.
My brother in law Pete flew out with me to help me take the boat down to Porto, where we had planned on hauling her out for an inspection, a polish and a little tlc prior to heading to the Canaries for the start of the ARC. We flew in, thanked the staff, untied the boat and left on the 15 mile trip to Duoro Marina in Porto